We look forward to welcoming back pupils on Wednesday 14th August. We have two morning bells, slightly apart. The first is a signal to line up and the second bell is when lines begin to be escorted in by Class Teachers. ALL pupils should be in line by the second bell at the latest and we appreciate parental support in ensuring pupils are on time to start school promptly at 8.50am.
Parents and carers of any new pupils joining Sciennes should accompany them to the Hall on the first day of the new session where they will be met by a member of the Senior Management Team and taken to class.
We are grateful for parental support in ensuring all our pupils wear school uniform and details of this can be found in our School Uniform Policy:
We appreciate pupils returning equipped with well stocked pencil cases - sharpened pencils, coloured pencils, small and large ruler, sharpener, eraser, glue stick - as well as P.E. kit which should include a change of labelled clothes and indoor gym shoes in a gym bag.
Teachers will issue a Class Newsletter with specific information for each class in due course. Families will also receive an Information Pack, issued to pupils, which includes information about Clubs. We are grateful for your support in returning any forms promptly. Please also log on to WisePay for details of forthcoming trips, including P3-P7 visits to the Book Festival.
Thank you.