Saturday, 27 August 2016

The Right Click: Internet Safety Matters Workshop

The Right Click: Internet Safety Matters Workshop

Sciennes is hosting an upper school digital safety workshop, sponsored by Unicef and BT, on Wednesday 31st August between 6.30pm and 7.30pm in the Hall. 
We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to receive this fully funded opportunity, part of a UK wide and very heavily subscribed Rights Respecting Schools initiative. We offered the workshop places to our P6 and P7 families via Wisepay on a first come basis and have been delighted with the response, with all 80 places quickly booked, though we are aware that some families unable to book a place have been disappointed. However, BT is also generously providing us with a 'Train the Trainer' session for a few members of staff to support the delivery of additional sessions ourselves in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does the workshop cover?
The workshop brings together Unicef UK's child rights expertise with BT's technological know-how around internet safety. Two volunteers from BT will introduce activities to begin a discussion around online safety, which parents can continue with their child at home. 

Together parents and children will explore:
the devices and apps they use to connect online
likes and dislikes about the internet
ways in which people can misuse the information shared online
how e-safety and internet access matter for the promotion and protection of children's rights.

Which age groups are most suitable?
The workshops are designed for children age eight and upwards but the presentation does include a video produced by Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) which is designed for an audience of 8-11 year olds and may not be suitable for younger children.)

How many people can attend?
The organisers advised us that they aimed to be flexible with the number of people who could attend and kindly increased availability from 60 to 80 children and adults. For the workshop to run effectively, parents and their children will be able to sit together in groups of up to ten at a table.

Article 5

You have the right to be given guidance by your parents and family.

Article 17

You have the right to collect information from the media.

Article 19

You have the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.

Article 29

You have the right to education which develops your personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment.

Article 34

You have the right to be protected from abuse.

Friday, 26 August 2016

GIRFEC P4-7 Assembly 26.8.16

Sciennes GIRFEC P4-7 Assembly 25.8.16 from Sciennes Primary School

On Friday 26th August at the P4-7 Assembly, we reminded children how all the adults at Sciennes aim to 'Get It Right' for their health and wellbeing using SHANARRI. We talked about ways to remember what the letters SHANARRI stand for - Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included and tested some of the teachers! Some pupils prefer to write or to draw pictures or to repeat aloud to memorise things and one method we used was to sing Hopscotch's song about SHANARRI.

Mr Tom Scott, Active Schools Co-ordinator for James Gillespie's High School Cluster, gave a presentation to the children about the benefits of taking part in sport and told us about all the amazing sporting clubs that are now available for booking online:



Ms French encouraged everyone to complete the Tesco Summer Reading Challenge at their local library by Saturday 3rd September and to let Mrs Noble know who manages to complete the challenge to read six books from their local library.

We also revisited Sciennes School Rules and how they help keep us safe. As a health promoting school, we welcome parental support in not sending in sweet treats to celebrate birthdays, partly because some of our children have allergies but also to reduce sugar intake.

Next week, we are really fortunate to have a very special visitor joining us at both P1-3 and P4-7 Assemblies. Tam Baillie, Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People, is coming to Sciennes to speak to all the children on Friday 2nd September and we are very much looking forward to welcoming him.

Article 24

You have the right to the best health possible and to medical care and information.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Comedian Patrick Monahan at Sciennes!

What a wonderful start to the new session to welcome celebrated and legendary comedian Patrick Monahan to the P4-7 Assembly on Friday 19th August. Patrick inspired our pupils with his sparkling tales about his own experiences of running and then joined most of the upper school for a Daily Mile run in the Meadows.

It was joyful to hear the children's laughter in Assembly. Patrick had them in the palm of his hand in the Hall and also later in the Meadows where he led a warm up session before the run. We are so grateful to him for giving up his time to inspire our pupils to be all they can be and to Believe they can Achieve. Thank you also to former Pupil Support Assistant, Rachel Inglis, who kindly contacted Patrick for us and joined us for the morning.

"So lovely to see everyone at Sciennes yesterday. It will always be a special place for me. Thank you for giving me and Patrick such a lovely welcome. We both had a brilliant time. Patrick says...&quote :Thanks for a great assembly and run out today, that was one of my favourite days at school. It was never that much fun when I was at school! 
Hopefully see you all soon, Miss Inglis and Patrick x"

Patrick's Edinburgh Festival Fringe evening show at The Gilded Balloon, Teviot - "That 80s Show" is recommended for 12+ but he is also running a children's show - "Pub Quiz for Kids", again at the Gilded Balloon, Teviot, which is for age 5 and upwards, at 2.30pm on 19th, 20th and 21st August and from 23rd-28th August.  Come along and win a unicorn! We highly recommend!

Thank you, Patrick, for inspiring us, spreading happiness and laughter and for being so gracious with your time with all the children.

Miss Inglis, Patrick Monahan and Mr Howie
Lovely to welcome back Miss Ingis who runs regularly with Patrick
Patrick Monahan leads the first Sciennes Assembly of the new session!

Children and staff loved hearing Patrick Monahan's funny stories about running

Patrick Monahan and Miss Inglis lead a warm up session

Patrick Monahan and Miss Inglis lead an extra special Daily Mile in the Meadows

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

First Week Lining Up in Playground

We are really looking forward to welcoming pupils on Wednesday 17th August. All our children will be in a new classroom this year so Class Teachers will collect them from the playground during the first week. (Any new pupils joining school on Wednesday should make their way to the Hall where they will be met by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and taken to class individually.)

Please note that at the start of term - only on Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th and Friday 19th August - pupils will line up in the playground, ready to enter school by 8.50am. There will be flags to help the pupils find where they should line up in the first week and it would be very much appreciated if parents waited beyond the lines. P2B should line up outside their external classroom door (for the first week only).

For the remainder of the session, P2-P7 pupils can enter the school building without lining up from 8.45am and by 8.50am. P1 pupils will continue to line up each morning throughout the year before being escorted into the building by their Class Teachers.

To manage numbers of pupils at each entrance, P2, P5, P6 and P7 should only enter and exit by the EAST ENTRANCE (Office) while P1, P3 and P4 should only use the WEST ENTRANCE (Care Zone) to enter and exit the building.

Thank you.

EAST P2, P5, P6, P7
WEST P1, P3 and P4 
(P2B outside their external classroom door, first week only.)

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Back to School Wednesday 17th August

We look forward to welcoming pupils on Wednesday 17th August

We appreciate parental support in ensuring pupils arrive on time to start school promptly by 8.50am each morning.

Parents and carers of any new pupils joining Sciennes should accompany them to the Hall on the first day of the new session where they will be met by a member of the Senior Learning Team and taken to class.

We are grateful for parental support in ensuring all our pupils wear school uniform and details of this can be found in our School Uniform Policy:

We appreciate pupils returning equipped with well stocked pencil cases - sharpened pencils, coloured pencils, small and large ruler, sharpener, eraser, glue stick - as well as P.E. kit which should include a change of labelled clothes and indoor gym shoes in a gym bag.

We ask that you help us in being able to return Lost Property by labelling all pupils' items carefully.

Teachers will issue a Class Newsletter with specific information for each class in due course. Families will also receive an Information Pack, issued to pupils. We are grateful for your support in returning any forms promptly. Please also log on to WisePay for details of forthcoming trips.

Thank you.