Sunday, 2 July 2017

Happy Holidays!

Wishing all our families a safe and happy, sunny summer holiday. Pupils resume on Wednesday 16th August.

Parents and carers of any new pupils in P2-P7 joining Sciennes for the first time should accompany them to the Hall on the first day of the new session where they will be met by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and taken to class.

We are grateful for parental support in ensuring all our pupils wear school uniform and details of this can be found in our School Uniform Policy:

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Where Has the P7 Class Page Gone?

All Class Pages have now been moved on a year for 2017-2018 and can be accessed from the CLASSES button on this website. We have also changed from using Blogger to Wordpress for our Class Pages and some others.

This year's P7 Page has become 'Class of 2010' and can be accessed from the LINKS buttons on the Sciennes website (see screenshot below)