Thursday 6 June 2013

It's P5's Turn!

This term Sciennes has put on cycling activities for most of the younger children.
One reason was to find any that couldn't cycle - or at least without stabilisers.
The School's new 'balance' bikes have made the process much easier!

We've lost count of the number who have now learned how to cycle - but it would need several hands!

The three P5 classes have their turn this week. In the morning the children have their bikes checked for general safety and also comfort - making sure the tyres are blown up hard, the saddles are the right height and the brake levers are in easy reach.

Then they tried the obstacle course in the playground.  In the afternoon a trip to The Meadows.  All good fun of course, but also great preparation for next term when they become P6s and do Bikeability 2 training. Thank you to Ms Christie and Chris Hill for organising all the cycle training for so many of our pupils P1-P5 this year and P6 next year. Our P7 pupils are already able cyclists, having gone through training last year.

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